Adaptable Spine for Easeful and Efficient Movement (Mariah-Jane Thies)
Purpose: Through the presentation of the brilliant design and function of the curves of the spine, participants will come to understand the need for continual allowance of adaptable ever changing deepening and lengthening of these natural curves and how they couple with motion of the limbs.
Target Population and experience level: All levels of dancers, teachers and clinicians who work with dancers, will benefit and have useful take-aways.
Information will be presented in such a way as to have participants self discover and share the function and design of the spine with confirmation of this felt/sensed knowledge embedded into the learning journey.
There will be a blend of anatomical information delivered through demonstration in the body, viewing of the skeleton and a power point. Also covered will be the necessary basic body mechanics (ex. stretch energy to kinetic energy), functionally based imagery and movement explorations for all participants.
Desired Outcomes: Culmination of the workshop will be for participants to have a greater knowledge and respect for the design and function of their spine and its every changing expression of curves. The result will be a thoughtful reassessment of movement patterns in daily life and in dance practice.
Reflection on common cues for posture and balance, such as “Lengthen your spine” and “Head up, Tail down” will compel a revision, as these cues commonly lead to a continuous state of pull that inadvertently stiffens the spine. To have a flexible body/spine, achieving dynamic posture and balance, a variety of cues that reflect change is also necessary.
Relevance to Conference Theme: Never before has adaptability been so important in our lives and therefore our bodies. There have been so many changes in our personal and professional lives recently, that we require ongoing adaptability. To move forward with a healthy mind, body and spirit adaptability must become the new norm and in the body, it starts with the spine and the spinal curves.
Target Population and experience level: All levels of dancers, teachers and clinicians who work with dancers, will benefit and have useful take-aways.
Information will be presented in such a way as to have participants self discover and share the function and design of the spine with confirmation of this felt/sensed knowledge embedded into the learning journey.
There will be a blend of anatomical information delivered through demonstration in the body, viewing of the skeleton and a power point. Also covered will be the necessary basic body mechanics (ex. stretch energy to kinetic energy), functionally based imagery and movement explorations for all participants.
Desired Outcomes: Culmination of the workshop will be for participants to have a greater knowledge and respect for the design and function of their spine and its every changing expression of curves. The result will be a thoughtful reassessment of movement patterns in daily life and in dance practice.
Reflection on common cues for posture and balance, such as “Lengthen your spine” and “Head up, Tail down” will compel a revision, as these cues commonly lead to a continuous state of pull that inadvertently stiffens the spine. To have a flexible body/spine, achieving dynamic posture and balance, a variety of cues that reflect change is also necessary.
Relevance to Conference Theme: Never before has adaptability been so important in our lives and therefore our bodies. There have been so many changes in our personal and professional lives recently, that we require ongoing adaptability. To move forward with a healthy mind, body and spirit adaptability must become the new norm and in the body, it starts with the spine and the spinal curves.
Mariah-Jane Thies |
Mariah-Jane is a registered RAD teacher, mentor and supervisor since 1997 with a dance teacher degree, certification in Evans Laban Modern technique, licensed Brain Gym consultant and Rhythmic Movement Training consultant. She is a presenter and speaker at numerous conferences including IADMS, NDEO, RAD Centennial Conference, Body-Mind Centering North American Conference, Educational Kinesiology International Conference, Breatkthroughs International Conference, Healthy Dancer Canada Conference, International Somatics Conference, Dance Science and Somatics Conference, CANASK International Conference and World Congress of Dance. Mariah-Jane is also a competitive speaker and evaluator with Toastmasters International and a published best selling author, contributing to the Woman of Worth, “Power of Collaboration “book.
She is most excited for the opportunity to share in her upcoming TEDxSFU talk in November 2021. |